This is MetaTrader History from Metaquote
Before internet or online trading technology appeared, access to finance could only be accessed by special trading companies. If individuals or corporations wish to carry out a sale and purchase transaction, they need the brokers who have been appointed by the broker. Trading transactions at that time were only telephone-based, which sometimes caused financial problems.
To obtain market information, traders must use the telephone to request normal data on the available data services. Usually, for each transaction, it is quite large if you use a broker or data service. Moreover, if the transactions are carried out quite a lot, it is certainly not very effective and efficient.
When a аѕаr requires direct access to carry out a sale and purchase transaction and is supported by the development of Internet technology (Mеtаrе r Cоrр). The company was founded in 2000 in Russia with the main focus on developing app for financial markets. The app provided is Meta Trader. This is a very extraordinary breakthrough because with this platform traders can perform transient and real transactions.
Of course, this breakthrough will promote various online trading systems (online). Innovation is a mandatory thing that must be done in an effort to attract and fulfill basic needs, as well as with MQSC. Since its inception until now, MQSC has released versions of Meta Trader with improvements and enhancements in it.
In 2000 MQSC launched the FX Chart online trading (Mеtа Trader 1). After the launch, the MT1 has become very mobile among traders, it can be run on a standard PC with a Windows operating system. This app includes a variety of special features and functions such as Exреrt Advisor with MQL, both testing trading data and creating automatically generated reports.
Meta Trader development doesn't just end there. In 2001 MQSC released MetaTrader 2. Improvements made were to expand the range of instrument support for CFDs so that users can write MQL for Expert Advocacy. Not long ago in early 2002, MQSC re-released MetaTrader 3. Improvements made were additions to futures contract products and Exрert Advr using MQL2.
Lapse of 5 years later, on June 1, 2010 MQSC re-released MetaTrader 5. Improvements made were to expand the number of products traded, initially only forex plus commodities. The programming language for Expert Advocacy is also improved by using MQL5.
Until this is the main forex trader in the world using Meta Trader more than any other app. And it is noted that MetaTrader has been used in more than 450 brokerage companies and banks around the world. Likewise in Indonesia, local brokers as well as outside brokers are mostly providing the Meta Trader platform for transactions.